20 Films From The 1950s That Everybody Should Watch

18. The War Of The Worlds

The '50s was the decade that saw increased popularity in the science fiction genre, the technological advancements of the time allowing far for more spectacular and believable effects than had previously been possible. The genre was still, however, somewhat looked down upon as simply popcorn-munching, cheap thrill B movies. The War Of The Worlds sought to change that, opting to move away from the stereotypical depiction of aliens in flying saucers, and instead bringing to life a more military-esque race of creatures that almost seemed to harken back to the warfare of the previous decade. The film featured imagery, colour and sound, the likes of which had not been seen on screens before, earning it an Oscar for Best Special Effects. As Godzilla would the next year, The War Of The Worlds touched on the Cold War paranoia that audiences were feeling at the time, and in 2011 it was deemed culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant by the United States Library of Congress, going on to be preserved in the National Film Registry.

Lover of Audrey Hepburn, Clint Eastwood and Steve McQueen. Also writes things. Went to university. Learned lots.