20 Films That Prove The 1990s Was The Worst Decade For Horror

18. Sleepwalkers

Sleepwalkers Film 2.jpg
Columbia Pictures

It's fascinating how a writer who has enjoyed such phenomenal literary success as Stephen King can prove so bad at transferring that to the big screen. There have been some great movies based on King's works, for sure, but these are by far outweighed by the subpar adaptations - and included among these are films that King himself has personally worked on.

Sleepwalkers holds a particularly special status among the bad Stephen King movies, as it was the first story King wrote specifically for the screen. However, much as King chose one of his silliest stories for his directorial debut Maximum Overdrive (big trucks turned into sentient killing machines by a passing comet), he also cooked up a rather crackpot tale for his first original screenplay, centring on immortal vampire-like shapeshifters who feed on the life energy of virgins, and whose mortal enemies are common house cats. Oh, and they're also a mother and son in an incestuous relationship.

Alice Krige and Brian Krause struggle along bravely as the central monsters, whilst Mädchen Amick isn't given much to do but look pretty as their would-be victim. But there's just no getting away from how barking mad the whole thing is, especially with the very dated early 90s morphing FX.

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