20 Foreign Language Movies You Must See Before You Die

16. The Great Beauty

City Of God

Country: Italy.

Plot: A writer in his 60s who has lived an empty existence for decades reflects on his life.

This art-house drama is very much a spiritual successor to the aforementioned La Dolce Vita. It's another film about a man walking around a city and contemplating his materialistic existence, so it feels like quite a traditional European art-house flick in many ways.

Nevertheless, The Great Beauty is completely brilliant. It's absolutely exquisite on a visual level and it tells a wonderfully heartfelt story as well, which is anchored by a fantastic lead performance from Toni Servillo, so even though the ingredients are somewhat familiar, The Great Beauty deploys them with so much skill that they feel entirely fresh.

A long and slow-paced film, The Great Beauty is rather self-indulgent but when the material is this great it's hard to care, since more of this cinematic awesomeness is never a bad thing. It also won a highly-deserved Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film in 2014.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.