20 French Films You Must See Before You Die

17. La Passion De Jeanne d'Arc (1928)

Carl Theodor Dreyer's universally acclaimed masterpiece remains one of the most ferociously intense films ever made. It is suffocating in its craft and power; a phenomenal and undeniable juggernaut of taut truth. The Passion Of Joan Of Arc depicts the final stages of the French historical icon's trial and execution, and is almost entirely composed of close-up shots to truly immerse the viewer in the emotional gravity. Hands, crosses, robes, ropes and most of all, faces resonate with heart-wrenching honesty; so vivid that even the most seasoned audience member will likely wobble. Renee Jeanne Falconetti in her only major screen role, conveys physical anguish and spiritual exaltation with unprecedented efficiency. Dreyer encloses this stark, infinitely expressive face with other characters and sets that are equally devoid of decoration and equally direct in conveying both material and metaphysical essences. His film leaves her vulnerable and achingly isolated across every single frame. This is unquestionably urgent cinema, and almost unbearably moving.

Film and UFC obsessive with a passion for scribbling words about them. Avid NFL fan and big Chelsea supporter too. Film Studies degree graduate from the University of Brighton.