20 Great Movies That Were Accused Of Being Rip-Offs
14. Dredd (2012)
The actually good Dredd movie - not the godawful Sylvester Stallone one - from 2012 was written by novelist Alex Garland, and for the most part it was a relentlessly violent and endlessly fun thrill ride. Trapped inside a giant building with his new partner, the plot centres on Judge Dredd's attempts to escape with his life whilst dispensing justice on the thuggish tenants inside. "It looks like The Raid," everybody then said, and the controversy began. How Much Of A Rip-Off Are We Talking? Because Indonesian martial arts flick The Raid also featured a "one man army" styled plot about a guy trapped in a building fighting his way to the top, when the Dredd trailer landed the accusations of plagiarism came out. It didn't help that even the minor plot points were similar: warlord waiting at the top of the tower, the use of intercoms, the fact that in one scene a tenant helps out the main characters... but what's actually true, according to the filmmakers associated with The Raid and Dredd, is that both movies were developed independently at exactly the same time. Overall Rip-Off Rating: 0/5