20 Greatest Direct Sequels Ever Made

12. Before Sunset

Back To The Future II
Warner Independent Pictures

Richard Linklater has never been known as a conventional filmmaker, so it makes perfect sense that when he got the opportunity to direct a trilogy it would come in the form of three loosely-structured character pieces spaced out over almost two decades.

Set largely over the course of one afternoon, Ethan Hawke's Jesse and Julie Delpy's Celine are reunited in Paris nine years after their first life-changing encounter, with the exchanges between the two concerning life and love given more dramatic heft than before with the actors sharing co-writing credits with Linklater.

A thoughtful and meditative look at the idea of refusing to let life pass you by, Before Sunset is proof that not all movie trilogies of the 21st Century need to cost $100m apiece and feature cities being blown to smithereens.


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