The Movie: Rob Zombies follow-up to his directorial debut House Of 1,000 Corpses in 2003, the far more serious The Devils Rejects, knocked fools on their behinds two years later. Continuing the murderous exploits of Corpses villains Captain Spaulding (Sid Haig), Otis (Bill Moseley), and Baby (Sheri Moon Zombie), The Devils Rejects forgets all about the first movies dark comedy. The Ending: After escaping the clutches of a vengeful police sheriff it looks like smooth sailing for the titular criminals. The trio drive off in their newly-acquired 1972 Cadillac Eldorado and the audience gets mellow flashbacks to the characters sharing a laugh in happier days. It's a reminder of all those movies that attempt to follow a sad ending with a happy one, and you have to admire the brutality with which Zombie skewers this particular cliche. With Lynyrd Skynyrds Free Bird loudly blasting in the background, things come to a boil when the gang run into a heavily armed police barricade. The trio go out in a blaze of glory in super slow-motion detailing every bloody gun-wound. The most impressive part? This scene actually made audiences feel sorry for these sadistic bastards.
Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: