20 Greatest Horror Movie Endings Of All Time

15. Hellraiser (1987)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4kwCzgBiFc The Movie: Clive Barker€™s Hellraiser couldn€™t be more aptly titled. After purchasing a mysterious puzzle box, Frank Cotton (Sean Chapman) soon discovers he€™s got far more than he bargained for, as the box unleashes a flurry of hooks and chains which tear him to pieces. Regenerating his body by consuming blood with a little help from his lover Julia (Clare Higgins), Frank becomes involved with the Cenobites, strange mutilated creatures from the depths of Hell. The Ending: Ultimately the Cenobites catch up with Frank, summoning fish-hooked chains to pierce into his flesh and pull skin off the bone (for a second time). The mastery of this scene is in the combination of its tone and its practical effects. A series of frenetic close-up shots show hooks sinking into Frank€™s flesh before the camera reveals the final array of chains that pull Frank€™s skin in every direction. Frank strains to say a few words, smiling eerily as he smugly proclaims, €œJesus wept!€ before being torn into a dozen pieces, condemning him to his own personal hell for the foreseeable future.

Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com