20 Greatest Horror Movies Of The 80s

16. Child's Play

Fright Night 1985

Creating an evil doll character for a horror movie and pulling it off without it being completely silly is a difficult film - just watch a movie like Annabelle and it's clear that there's a fine line between scary and laughable. Child's Play pulled this off perfectly with the creation of Chucky, a kids' toy possessed by the spirit of a recently deceased serial killer.

Chucky isn't particularly scary to look at, but throw in Brad Dourif's wonderful voice acting and some cleverly crafted set pieces and the result is a horror movie which whips along at a fast pace while delivering exactly what you'd expect from the premise: amusing one-liners, inventive kills and a good degree of tension.

In the real world, Child's Play caused a great deal of controversy on it's release, with some people concerned it would encourage copycat acts of violence. A few years later and their warnings seemed to be prescient, with two murders taking place in the UK, most infamously the murder of James Bulger, a two-year-old boy who was abducted and mutilated on a railway line.

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