10. Aragorns Coronation
This was the most epic in scale of the multiple codas of The Return of the King, complete with Viggo Mortensen singing, the fulfilment of his romance with Arwen, and the Hobbits finally getting deserved props for their varied heroism. The scale and beauty of the proceedings, the general atmosphere of exhausted relief, and the aforementioned awesome singing, really sells the idea that this is the dawning of a new and better era.
9. Theoden Revives
The transformation of the Saruman-possessed invalid into the fearless warrior-king is a fluid and seamless special effect, the perfect pay-off to the preceding build-up. The sight of the decrepit Theoden and the skulking Grima neatly evokes the wretched state of Rohan under Grima/Sarumans influence. Gandalf gets a proper post-resurrection muscle-flexing as he reveals his dazzling white robes and wrestles the evil out of Theoden, knocking Saruman sprawling and evening the score from their duel in Fellowship. The switch from hapless hopelessness to embattled but determined resistance makes the ultimate triumph of the Rohirrim all the more striking.