20 Greatest Star Wars Quotes Of All-Time

4. Darth Vader Takes Charge



No. Leave them to me. I will deal with them myself. THE SPEAKER: Darth Vader THE FILM: Star Wars: Return of the Jedi THE BACKGROUND: Another quote on the list that€™s no doubt coloured by nostalgia. I make no apologies for that. The makers of the Return of the Jedi video game sampled this speech for their game, and it€™s been stuck in my mind ever since. The background here is simply this: The Rebels have stolen an Imperial scout ship with which they plan to smuggle the strike team onto the forest moon of Endor. Of course, Vader sees through the Rebel plot but sensing his son is on the shuttle, allows them to land on Endor anyway.
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John Henry is a mild mannered journo by day but an absolute film nut by night. Go on, ask him a film related question...