20 Hidden Facts That Prove Man Of Steel Is The Most Trivia Filled Film Of 2013

3. The Final Battle Is Full Of References, From Blaze Comics...

Blaze In my list of Easter eggs in the film at the time of release, I highlighted a handful of background appearances in the final fight that point towards Lex Luthor (including the owner of the construction site with the unfortunate accident sign), but that€™s only the tip of the iceberg of hidden nods. Aside from all the Batman stuff, many smaller elements of Superman (and wider DC) mythology was alluded to. First up is one you didn€™t even have to have seen the film to get. In the third trailer (the one where it became clear there was going to be a lot more action than originally let on), as Zod and Kal fly vertically towards each other there€™s a bright sign in the bottom left, trumpeting none other than Blaze Comics. A comic within a comic, Blaze tell the fictional story of the real (in the DC Universe at least) time traveller and sometimes Justice Leaguer Booster Gold. Talk about obscure.

2. ...To S.T.A.R. Labs...

Cyborg Acronyms are so in when it comes to secret organisations in superhero universes. Not quite as prominent as S.H.I.E.L.D and HYDRA, S.T.A.R. Labs (Scientific and Technological Advanced Research) is another forced name that has lived long in the comics. Introduced in 1971, they€™re used as a generic, non-evil science company that are most famous for creating self-explanatory hero cyborg. Originally a minor hero, the New 52 comic reboot has placed him as a major hero in the Justice League, meaning Cyborg could easily make an appearance in the film series down the line, making this reference (hopefully) a little prophetic.

1. ...To Utopia Casino

Utopia Most of these were snuck into the fight by the special effects animators during post production, meaning they unfortunately have little relevance to the future of the series; as with the Keep Calm poster, none of it will have been ran by Snyder or Goyer. The last background reference is most certainly that. A retro sign glimpsed in the fight reads Utopia Casino, referencing minor villain Tony Gallo. Retconned to be part of Superman€™s early years as part of noughties comic run Superman Confidential, Gallo is the first person to introduce Clark to Kryptonite, eventually becoming possessed by the rock (fans are a bit divided in opinion on that last bit). It€™s a massive shame his slight reference will amount to nothing; Kryptonite is something that really has to make an appearance sooner rather than later in the Man Of Steel world. Are there any more facts you can bring forward about Man Of Steel? Do you think another film can challenge its title? Swoop down/smash into the comments and have your say.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.