20 Hidden Movie Frames You Probably Missed In Famous Movies

4. The Dead Crew Members - Sunshine

Fight Club Brad Pitt
Fox Searchlight

Danny Boyle's taut sci-fi horror cult classic Sunshine may not be among the most subtle of movies - especially during its schlock-filled third act - but it does boast one brilliantly creepy dose of hidden imagery.

Roughly half-way through the film as the protagonists board the derelict spaceship sent on the previous mission to jump-start the sun, a few lightning-fast glimpses of human faces are blasted on the screen.

The faces are in fact those of the ship's ill-fated crew members, who we learn later were killed or, in the case of Captain Pinbacker (Mark Strong), driven insane during the mission.

Though these images are easily missed if you look away from the screen for even a small fraction of a second, if you do spot them, they're absolutely bone-chilling in all of their uneasy ambiguity.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.