20 Hidden Movie Frames You Probably Missed In Famous Movies

15. Eddie Brock's Skeleton - Spider-Man 3

Fight Club Brad Pitt
Sony Pictures Releasing

Spider-Man 3 ends with Eddie Brock (Topher Grace) separated from the Venom symbiote thanks to Spider-Man (Tobey Maguire), but just as Spidey hurls a pumpkin bomb at the symbiote, an incensed Brock attempts to rescue it, resulting in him being incinerated along with the symbiote.

Spider-Man 3 being a PG-13 movie and all, you wouldn't expect to see much in the way of graphic death, and so upon a passing glance, Eddie simply dies in a gigantic fireball.

But if you slow things down, you can actually make out Eddie's skeleton, which has immediately had all of its skin and muscle melted away by the pumpkin bomb. Ewww.

This obviously wasn't the first time we've seen people reduced to skeletal form by a pumpkin bomb in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man movies, but the effect is a lot more chilling when you don't see the skeletons cartoonishly fall into a pile of ash as in the first film's parade attack sequence.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.