20 Horror Movies You Must See Before You Die

2. Jaws (1975)

There have been many a debate over whether or not Jaws is, in fact, a horror film; on one hand, it seems intentionally designed to scare audiences, and did so in the millions. On the other hand, there is little "horror" about the film, in these sense that it perhaps feels more at home under the "thriller" header. Whatever. Jaws' legacy as a horror movie is enough to cement it as such. The film, which tells the story of three men's mission to stop a Great White from terrorising an island resort at the height of summer, is quite simply one of the greatest movies of all-time. Directed by Steven Spielberg, Jaws clings to a flawlessly executed script and innovative direction, but it's in the characters - and the associated performances from Roy Schreider, Richard Dreyfuss and Robert Shaw that the movie is most triumphant. Whereas so many horror films are content to swap out character development for jump scares and special effects, Spielberg keeps the movie personal. And by way of great editing, the patience to reveal the shark slowly over the course of the narrative, and John Williams' iconic score, Spielberg delivers a masterclass.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.