20 Hugely Unexpected Roles In Upcoming Movies

18. Sigourney Weaver (Finding Dory)

Tom Hardy Stormtrooper

The Role: Bizarrely, the Alien star is listed as playing herself in the movie, which just throws up a ton of questions about the part.

Why It's Unexpected: While Weaver playing an animated fish would surprise roughly nobody, the fact that she will be playing herself is a massive surprise, all the more so considering that the tenth track on the movie's soundtrack is actually called "Sigourney Weaver". This suggests that she has a significant part and it's not some throwaway Easter egg.

Will It Work?: Pixar are so deft at making smart creative decisions (most of the time, anyway) that it's hard to doubt them. The smart money is probably on Weaver providing the voice of a holographic tour guide at the aquarium or something to that effect, and as long as it's not overly distracting for its own sake, it'll be fine.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.