20 Most Important Film Deaths This Decade

11. Harvey Dent - The Dark Knight (2008)

Originally, it was believed that Harvey Dent's character arc throughout The Dark Knight would lead to him becoming the main villain, Two-Face, in the third film in Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy. However, Nolan decided to rush Dent's arc through in The Dark Knight, introducing him as the District Attorney of Gotham, later having him become horribly disfigured and adopt the Two-Face persona, and end up dying at the end of the movie by Batman's hand. Dent kidnaps Jim Gordon's family and takes them to the burned-out warehouse where Rachel died, and uses his famous coin flip to decide who will live and die. He shoots Batman, survives his own coin flip, and just as he flips the coin for Gordon's son, Batman tackles Dent off the edge of the building, causing him to fall to his death, while Batman's suit takes the brunt of the impact, and he manages to save Gordon's boy. Much like Ra's al Ghul's death in Batman Begins, it was controversial because of how it appeared to interfere with Batman's code: granted, Bats had absolutely no choice but to tackle Dent unless he wanted to let a child just die, but strictly speaking, he broke his rule. However, Two-Face dying after so little screen time caused many to speculate that he would return in The Dark Knight Rises as the main villain, though of course, this wasn't to be.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.