20 Most Important Film Deaths This Decade

8. Ellie - Up (2009)

Pixar are true masters of the animated medium, with their greatest works challenging the narrative bounds of cartoons, ensuring they can be held up as high as any live-action drama, touching on deeply humanist themes in an arresting, unforgettable manner. Just as they've done with the Toy Story movies and WALL-E in particular, Up manages to be both a gorgeous, exciting movie but also one with depth and intelligence uncommon in the genre. The movie begins with a heartbreaking montage sequence, depicting the life and love of protagonist Carl and his childhood playmate Ellie. We see them plan to travel but constantly have their dreams dashed by the inevitabilities of life, and sadly, Ellie either miscarries or finds out she cannot have a baby, as depicted here with supreme artistry and clever subtlety. However, the most upsetting moment comes when, just as they're finally planning their trip, Ellie falls ill and dies. The moment might not garner much of a reaction from children, though for any grown adult, it's an absolutely heart-wrenching story, and one that's completely relatable. With its ambitious, adult storytelling, it's no surprise that Up went on to become just the second animated film to ever be nominated for the Best Picture Oscar.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.