20 Indiana Jones Easter Eggs You Never Noticed

9. Lao Che's Name Is Borrowed From A Fritz Lang Film - Indiana Jones & The Temple Of Doom

Lao Che is the memorable villain from the opening sequence of Temple of Doom ("Nice try Lao Che!"), and as further evidence of Lucas and Spielberg's love for the adventure serials of the early 20th century, the character's name is in fact derived from legendary German-Austrian director Fritz Lang's two-part 1919-1920 adventure film The Spiders. The film was considered lost until its re-discovery in the 1970s, and its restoration was completed in 1978, just three years before the release of Raiders, which it is said to have had an influence on. In The Spiders, the leader of the titular criminal organisation was a woman named Lio Sha (Ressel Orla), which isn't at all dissimilar from Lao Che, especially when read aloud.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.