20 Insanely Awesome 2017 Movie One Liners

12. "The Series Has Jumped Ahead! It's No Longer Following The Books!" - Logan Lucky

Logan Lucky Game Of Thrones

The funniest scene from Steven Soderbergh's terrific new heist caper involves a prison riot taking place, where the inmates end up holding some guards hostage and bargaining for...the final Game of Thrones books.

After the warden informs them that author George R.R. Martin hasn't completed the series yet, the inmate negotiating on behalf of the prisoner calls "bulls***", claiming The Winds of Winter was due for release over two years ago, and causing the warden to go into an over-elaborate explanation of the situation.

He tells the prisoner through the intercom, "I know that was the original deadline. That's what it says here. But I'm reading to you from the Wikipedia page. It also says that Martin had a grueling promotion schedule or something, and it's interfered with his writing schedule. He's failed to complete The Winds of Winter."

The prisoner replies, "That don't make no sense. Those two guys who transferred in from Federal last month knew about all the new stuff with the hot chick and her dragons", and the Warden finally tells him, "No. I'm telling you, I believe those two inmates had that information from watching the TV series. Again, I'm reading to you. The series has jumped ahead! It's no longer following the books!"

While most Game of Thrones references in movies feel eye-rollingly forced, this one actually felt weirdly organic despite the absurdity of the prison break scenario. It helped that Soderbergh clearly used the scene as a mouthpiece for the frustrations of both himself and Thrones fans everywhere.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.