20 Ludicrous Ways To Die In A Horror Film

19. Sleepwalkers (Mick Garris, 1992)

Sleepwalkers1 Sleepwalkers is a Stephen King adaptation about a family of shape-shifting cat people who must consume human life force (or something like that), in order to survive. Ironically, their mortal enemies are common house cats, who tend to congregate around their home and attack the family en masse when given the chance. It's also noteworthy that, in the presence of cats the family's true form is revealed (see above image). The family is essentially just a mother and her son, who share an incestuous Oedipal relationship with one another- being two of the last of their kind and all. It's become the sons responsibility to lure people in for his mother to feed on- for which he relies on his sweet car and dashing good looks. The sons' human harvesting inevitably begins to make the cops suspicious. In this clip, one of the officers- who is visiting the mother- becomes privy to what's going on and calls it into the station as suspicious. But, before he gets a chance to finish the call... he is stabbed in the back with a half eaten cob of corn, dying humourously in the process. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91w3Nvq55-k Being a consumer of life energy and all, she must really be in tune with her Chi.
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I'm Josh. I was born and raised in the Niagara region. I'm an avid cinephile, dedicated archivist and pirate. I'm also an anarcho-punk fan that rides a bike, enjoys going on hikes, and really likes fruit....a sort of hippy-punk hybrid, if you will. I graduated from Brock University with an Honours degree in Political Science and an unofficial minor in Film. I enjoy writing learning, reading and writing about politics, film, and punk related issues. I hit shows in TO pretty often and look forward to checking out new films at TIFF every September.