20 Mind-Blowing Facts About The Avengers Movie

9. Hulk Was Going To Beat Loki With The Power Of Smell

Bruce Banner's "That guy€™s brain is a bag full of cats. You can smell crazy on him." line about Loki may not seem out of place while watching The Avengers, but it takes on a different context when put with a deleted scene from the final battle. That would have apparently involved the God of Mischief multiplying himself in front of the Hulk, only for the Green Goliath to sniff him out and take him down. It doesn't sound like a bad scene as such, but may have been a little too on the nose (no pun intended). Even without out the extended intro, the "Puny God" scene is still one of Joss Whedon's favourite moments of the entire movie, apparently.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.