20 Mind-Blowing Facts About The Dark Knight Trilogy

17. Kurt Russell Nearly Played Jim Gordon

Warner Bros. Pictures

Gary Oldman ended up being one of the best parts of The Dark Knight Trilogy, but Commissioner Gordon could have ended up having a drastically different appearance. Kurt Russell was initially considered for the role, meaning that Snake Plissken himself could have ended up donning the iconic moustache. That would have undoubtedly led to a very different Jim Gordon.

However, when thing didn't pan out with him, Nolan turned elsewhere. It wasn't Oldman that the filmmaker went to first though. Nolan also had his eye on Chris Cooper, but he turned down the chance to star in Batman Begins as it would have kept him from his family for too long, leading to Oldman ultimately being cast in the role.

So great was Oldman as Jim that it was rumoured Zack Snyder decided not to include the character in Batman V Superman in fear of being unable to top The Dark Knight Trilogy's version. J. K. Simmons has got quite the task ahead of him


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.