20 Mind-Blowing Facts About The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

10. It’s Connected To The Mob

Texas Chainsaw Massacre

After The Texas Chain Saw Massacre was complete, Hooper struggled to find a distributor for his then shockingly violent movie before salvation came in the form of Bryanston Pictures who secured distribution rights.

Unfortunately for Hooper and everybody else involved in the film, Bryanston Pictures was actually a front for the mafia run by brothers Joe and Lou Peraino who were members of the Colombo crime family who shafted Hooper and Co by claiming the film only made $1 million at the box office when in reality its profits were upwards of the $12 million mark.

It wasn’t until Bryanston Pictures went bankrupt and The Texas Chain Saw Massacre was reacquired by New Line Cinema in 1983 that the cast and crew saw any real profit from the movie.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.