20 Mind-Blowing Facts About The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

3. Even The Soundtrack Was Authentic

Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Bryanston Pictures

Barring a few country songs they’d secured permission to use, Hooper and sound technician Wayne Bell constructed The Texas Chain Saw Massacre soundtrack from a range of DIY sound effects meant to recreate the noises a soon to be slaughtered animal would hear in a slaughterhouse.

The techniques Hooper and Bell reportedly used to create the movie’s soundtrack included scraping a pitchfork along a table, banging metal objects off things and practically torturing a dulcimer. And, of course, there’s that unmistakable roar of a chainsaw starting up.

So if you’ve ever wondered what it was like to work in an abattoir, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre soundtrack is a good place to start.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.