20 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn’t Know About Groundhog Day

2. Bill Murray Was Remarkably Difficult To Work With

Groundhog Day
Columbia Pictures

The story of Harold Ramis and Bill Murray falling out is a well-publicised one, but until relatively recently, nobody knew the extent that Murray played in the fall-out, or why it happened. It's pretty fashionable just to imagine that it was because the director and actor didn't agree on the tone of the film.

That much might be true, but it was actually Murray's personal life that was the issue: his first marriage was dissolving and he was, somewhat forgivably, cranky. It all came to a head when communication lines broke down and Ramis and the studio asked Murray to improve them.

It was agreed that things might work a lot smoother if Bill was to hire a PA to help with the day to day nonsense he couldn't deal with. So he duly hired one - who was profoundly deaf, did not have oral speech, spoke only American sign language (which neither Bill nor anyone in production could).

As Ramis remembered, Bill said, "Don't worry, I'm going to learn sign language!" "I think it was so inconvenient that in a couple weeks, he gave that up. That's anti-communication, you know?"€


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