20 Most Epic Movie Moments Of 2017

13. The Catacombs Shootout - John Wick: Chapter 2

John Wick Chapter Two Keanu Reeves
Summit Entertainment

The second John Wick movie reinvents the cinematic headshot for a new generation with the blood-feast of rampant murder that is the film's jaw-dropping catacombs sequence.

In Rome, John (Keanu Reeves) is tasked with assassinating the High Table's Gianna D'Antonio (Claudia Gerini) during her coronation party, but once his work is done, he's rumbled on his way out and has to shoot his way through an entire video game's worth of generic goons.

You can practically feel yourself foaming at the mouth as Reeves' peerless killer racks up headshot after headshot while venturing through the winding catacombs, even making ferocious use of a shotgun at one point.

From here, Wick ends up facing D'Antonio's doggedly determined bodyguard Cassian (Common), until they end up on the Continental's sacred grounds and the battle promptly comes to an end.

Insanely brutal yet managing to stave off repetition and spiced with some terrifically dark humour, this is a work of art for those who like their kills fast, efficient and bloody.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.