20 Most Hated Film Remakes & Reboots In Movie History

13. Point Break (2015)

Terminator Genisys
Warner Bros.

You might well ask the question why Point Break, Kathryn Bigelow’s 1991 surfer crime caper, was remade last year. After all, the original wasn’t a massive hit at the time: since then, it’s become one of those movies mostly celebrated by the post-pub crowd, who delight in crowing some of the more quotable lines at one another round a mate’s house after midnight on a Friday.

The original film’s unique selling points were named Swayze, Reeves, and Busey: without them, Point Break would just have been another cops 'n' robbers flick, albeit a fast and furious one (if you’ll pardon the expression).

Here, even with the extreme sports aspect of the film amped up to… well, extreme levels, it’s still just a bog standard cops 'n' robbers flick, directed by a man with only one other feature film on his résumé: an underdog baseball flick starring Mark Wahlberg.

Worse, for those fans of the original, no effort whatsoever was made to give the remake the same kind of knowingly kitsch appeal that the first movie had in spades. It’s just two hours of over-produced, dreary set pieces (the budget was four times what Bigelow had to work with): no charisma, no panache, and no point.

Given the immense rewatch value of the 1991 film, the most unforgivable sin a Point Break remake could possibly commit would be if it was really, really dull… and that’s exactly what it turned out to be.


Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.