20 Most Horribly Misleading Movie Titles

7. The Crying Game

What It Sounds Like: A low-key indie from a pre-Twin Peaks David Lynch. The worst party game ever. Everyone gathers in a circle. Someone€™s mum hits play on a cassette of Morrissey€™s too-gloomy-for-consumption B-sides. The race is then on to see who can bawl the most before the song ends. Whoever fills their bucket to the line wins a packet of Kleenex.

What It Actually Is: Well, despite the monicker of this 1992 Oscar-winner, it has nothing to do with the above suggestion. Neil Jordan€™s classic thriller explores the life of IRA member Fergus, and his dalliances with sexuality, trust and violence after he promises one of his captives that he€™ll protect his girlfriend. A powerful flick, with the title nabbed from a scene featuring Dil (the girlfriend in question) in which she sings the song, The Crying Game.

What It Should Have Been Called: In Love And War.

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The Iron Lady
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Gem is a freelance writer, musician and librarian. Her hobbies include: recreating movie death scenes from LEGO, concocting new types of bird suet cakes, walking on fresh snow and playing the glockenspiel - all at the same time.