20 Most Iconic Movie Deaths Of All Time

4. Tony Montana - Scarface (1983)

Quint Jaws Death
Universal Pictures

In a movie as excessive, profane and cocaine-fueled as Scarface, it would only be fitting that the iconic Tony Montana would go out in a blaze of over-the-top blood-splattered glory. Which is exactly what happens, as the Cuban immigrant-turned drug lord meets his demise in spectacular bullet-riddled fashion.

After burying his face in a not-insignificant pile of cocaine and having introduced Sosa's attacking henchmen to his little friend, Tony mows them down with his trusty M16 (although he suffers a couple of gunshot wounds for his trouble). Arrogance ultimately proves to be his downfall as a ranting and raving Tony gets shot many, many more times before a shotgun to the back finally takes him out. The impact sends him plummeting over the balcony to a relatively shallow yet still watery grave, right in front of a statue that ironically reads 'The World Is Yours'.

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