20 Most Impressive Displays Of Power In The MCU

3. Doctor Strange Shows Why He Is Supreme - What If…?

avengers infinity war Thor stormbreaker
Marvel Studios

The levels of power that the What If…? version of Doctor Strange showcased in his brief appearances were far beyond anything his counterpart in the Sacred Timeline ever demonstrated.

From absorbing multiple magical entities, defeating his alternate self and (accidentally) collapsing his own timeline, Doctor Strange Supreme is easily the most powerful non-comic book version of the character. This was best seen when he went up against Infinity Ultron alongside the other Guardians of the Multiverse.

His spells were one of the few reasons the likes of Captain Carter and Starlord T’Challa were able to give Ultron any sort of trouble, even with a teammate like Party Thor, the team’s heavy hitter. You would have to be if you were casually swallowing galaxy-destroying blasts, after all.

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