20 Most Inspiring Movies Of All-Time

5. To Kill A Mockingbird

To Kill A Mockingbird Atticus Finch
Universal Pictures

Gregory Peck: now there was an actor. An actor who represented the American Dream and who, in Atticus Finch, showed us a man who would fight injustice with dignity, strength and politeness. This is the film which many of us first saw in school and, maybe because we were being €˜forced€™ to study the book, never quite got the brilliance of the movie but, if you haven€™t since, go back to this film and you€™ll be inspired and touched by a brilliant piece of work.

The film centres on €˜Scout€™ Finch and her brother Jem in 1930€™s Alabama. Their father, Atticus, is a local lawyer who is appointed to defend a young black man, Tom Robinson, who has been accused of raping and beating a young white girl. As the case continues, it becomes apparent that it was in fact the girl€™s father, Bob Ewell, who beat her and it is police incompetence has put Tom in the dock but Tom, in sympathising for the young girl, is sent down and later dies in an apparent €˜escape attempt€™.

When Scout and Jem are returning home from a Halloween party they are attacked by a man, who later turns out to be Bob Ewell, but are saved by the loner €˜Boo€™ Radley (Robert Duvall). It is agreed that the lonely Boo should not be dragged into the public spotlight as a hero for, as Scout says, it would be akin to €˜killing a mockingbird€™. This is an important film which deals with race, childhood and the views of those we don€™t know.

The white people in the town believe they are above any black person so when Tom says he felt sorry for the young girl, that angers the white folk more than the €˜apparent€™ attack. Atticus is the beating heart to the whole film though and with Boo Radley as his opposite, it is clear that this is a film about acceptance in trying times and perhaps that is something, in 2014, we need to think about more than ever.


Suit. Wine. Sport. Stirred. Not shaken. Done. Writer at http://whatculture.com, http://www.tjrsports.com and http://www.tjrwrestling.com