20 Most Inspiring Movies Of All-Time

4. Dead Poet€™s Society

Robin Williams Dead Poets Society
Buena Vista International

Another film about a teacher. This one however is one of the most emotional films about education, and the rights of young people to have a say in their own lives, that you€™ll ever see. Add to this the sad and unfortunate recent passing of Robin Williams and this emotion is only heightened.

It is the role of Williams€™ John Keating which acts as an inspiration to audiences but also, dare it be said, to most teachers who want the best for their students. The story focuses on a young group of prep school pupils as they meet their new English teacher, John Keating. This is a teacher who takes students outside for class, tells them to rip out the pages of a poetry textbook with a mathematical, poetical formula and gets the class to stand on their desks to look at the world in a different way.

Obviously, his impact on the students is huge as the group re-awaken Keating€™s old school group €˜The Dead Poet€™s Society€™ and the boys discover love, life and, tragically for one student, a love for acting. After the tragedy of a student suicide, Keating is blamed and fired from the academy but not before the boys can stand on their desks one last time and say €˜O Captain! My Captain!€™ as their mentor leaves the school forever.

This is a film that will both make you cry and make you want to stand up and take on the world. It shows that poetry and theatre and words and love aren€™t just the bastion of certain students but for all and, in John Keating, Robin Williams found the perfect outlet for his emotional work which, unfortunately, we never saw enough of. This is a film which inspires as much as it hurts but for that, we stand on our desks and salute you Robin Williams.


Suit. Wine. Sport. Stirred. Not shaken. Done. Writer at http://whatculture.com, http://www.tjrsports.com and http://www.tjrwrestling.com