20 Most Outlandish Star Wars: The Force Awakens Rumours

7. Inquisitors

The Inquisitors (one of whom fans have already met in Star Wars Rebels) are said to be the main villains in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and it sounds as if a lot more of them will be introduced in the movie. Apparently, the shadowy cabal have been hunting down rogue Jedi for decades, and possibly started commanding themselves after the Emperor's death. It's this reveal which will apparently lead to the franchise's first flashback, as Darth Vader will apparently return and be seen lording over a group of them as a young Princess Leia looks on. It's believed that she will be played by Carrie Fisher's daughter Billie Lourd, and Vader searching for any surviving Jedi Knights on Alderaan actually makes a whole lot of sense.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.