20 Most Outlandish Star Wars: The Force Awakens Rumours

14. Every Actor Ever Is In The Movie

OK, that's a slight exaggeration, but there have been tons of rumours about certain actors appearing in Star Wars: The Force Awakens who have not been officially announced in any way. Benedict Cumberbatch is a name which has come up many times, and despite the future Doctor Strange's many denials, there are those who remain convinced he will appear. Daniel Craig is another, as is Roger Moore. The latest Bond apparently asked for a cameo as he's a massive fan of the franchise, but his face will be covered and he won't receive any sort of credit. As a result, it's going to be a challenge to figure out if he actually ends up being in the movie. Cumberbatch on the other hand will hopefully be easier to spot.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.