20 Most Rewatchable Movies Of The 21st Century
Eat. Sleep. Bond. Repeat.

Movies can be rewatchable for all kinds of reasons, but the one constant is that they engage; whether that be on an intellectual, emotional or awesome car chase level, there needs to be something that keeps bringing the viewer back.
These films are often different, then, to what's considered 'quality' cinema in the eyes of awards bodies and the like. You wouldn't watch 12 Years A Slave or There Will Be Blood on repeat, even though they are exceptional pictures. Rewatchable movies, on the other hand, have something to see you returning for more - they can be feel good films to help to keep your mood up, complex mysteries requiring your intense investigation, comedies that only get funnier with every watch, or simply damn entertaining genre pictures with stories well told.
There have already been thousands of movies released in the 14 years of this new millennium; here, in are the 20 most rewatchable films among them...
20. Midnight In Paris (2011)

Truthfully, Woody Allen has been so hit-and-miss and into his existential drama lately that it's a wonder he managed to make something as lithe and full of joy as Midnight in Paris. And that's where the fun lies: Allen isn't trying to make any grand statement with his time travel comedy, nor does he attempt to delve too deeply into any one character. In making something bordering on inconsequential, Woody Allen also ironically made Midnight in Paris one of his most successful films for ages.
Inexplicably slipping through time from the present day Paris to the city as it was in the 1920s (you don't need to know why), Owen Wilson's Woody-surrogate Gil Pender meets cultural legends of the period such as Ernest Hemingway (a gruff Corey Stoll), F. Scott Fitzgerald (Tom Hiddleston) and Salvador Dali (Adrien Brody, earning that Oscar through sheer eccentricity), all of whom provide bizarre life advice over many a night of Parisian partying.
Breezy and cheerful where some of the director's other recent films have been cynical and overly-intellectual, Midnight in Paris is all the more entertaining for being intentionally light.