20 Most Ridiculous Movie Promotional Images Ever Released

16. Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers (1988)

Generally, a movie poster should at the very least convey the theme of the film it's promoting and it's not hard to figure out what Fred Olen Ray's Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers is all about. To put it simply; blood, boobs and chainsaws. So, in that case this promo image did its job rather well. However, this is another case of '80s horror promos relying more on gimmicks (in this case, a sexy women holding a chainsaw) than an actual story. We€™d love to have been in the marketing boardroom when this photo shoot was dreamed up. "We need a women in her bra and panties! Oh, and she needs to be holding a chainsaw!" This is the inevitable result. Oh well, at least Linnea Quigley and Michelle Bauer are in it.

15. Bad Taste (1987)

Before he was breaking records with his Hobbit and Lord of the Rings movies, director Peter Jackson was quite the horror movie auteur. Jackson began his career with the "splatstick" horror comedy Bad Taste (which he directed, wrote, produced, photographed, co-edited by and co-starred in). The movie sees aliens invade the fictional New Zealand village of Kaihoro to harvest humans for their intergalactic fast food franchise, where they face off against a four-man paramilitary force, of which at least one member appears to have gone insane. The poster for the film features one of the aliens with his middle finger up while brandishing an automatic weapon in his other hand. Not very subtle. Though, it doesn't really need to be.

Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com