20 Most WTF Movie Cameos Of All Time

15. Quentin Tarantino - Little Nicky

Little Nicky Quentin Tarantino 2
New Line Cinema

Quentin Tarantino has a habit of cameoing in his own movies, but nothing tops his insane apperance in the terrible 2000 Adam Sandler comedy Little Nicky.

The iconic filmmaker appears in a number of small snippets throughout the film as a crazy, blind preacher, who repeatedly taunts Sandler's demonic title character about the impending apocalypse.

To his credit, Tarantino totally hurls himself into the part, going wildly over the top with a ridiculous southern accent and a number of slapstick gags. The film may be awful, but Tarantino's delivery of, "Holy s*** we really are gonna die!" is gut-bustingly funny.

This is one of those cameos that's easily missed given Tarantino's heavily made-up appearance and, well, the fact that nobody would ever reasonably expect him to show up in a Sandler comedy. The two are reportedly good pals, though, which is how this bizarre opportunity came about in the first place.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.