20 Most WTF Movie Moments Of 2020

15. The Olive Garden Product Placement - Sonic The Hedgehog

Capone Tom Hardy
Paramount Pictures

Sonic the Hedgehog was far better than just about anyone expected it to be, though it nevertheless elicited groans through its aggressively unsubtle product placements for restaurant chain Olive Garden.

Twice in the film, human protagonist Tom Wachowski (James Marsden) is roped into shilling for the eaterie in the most embarrassingly blatant fashion possible.

In one scene, Tom extolls the chain's virtues to his wife Maddie (Tika Sumpter) over the phone, praising their phone app and even namedropping their slogan, "When you’re here, you’re family."

At the end of the film, Tom is also given a $50 Olive Garden gift card from the U.S. government, because why the hell not?

While on one hand the sheer shamelessness of it all is mildly amusing, it's ultimately pretty cheeky to try and have your cake - or rather, your salad - and eat it too, by mocking product placement while actually benefitting from it.

Being self-aware about it doesn't make it that much better, unless you're Wayne's World, of course.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.