20 Movie Villains We Couldn't Help But Love
Robert McKee, who gives seminars on screenwriting and whose book Story has spawned hundreds of young writers in Hollywood and abroad says that an essential part of any scene, and therefore the story as a whole, is an arc. And what better catalyst for the arc than the movie villain? The villain gives the audience a detestable character that helps them bond with the protagonist in their mutual disdain. The villain creates drama which pushes the action forward, giving the film its cohesive introduction, buildup, climax and denoument. Some of the most famous movie villains are utterly despicable. Guys like John Huston's Noah Cross from Chinatown are willing to go to horrible depths to consolidate their power. Others, like No Country for Old Men's Anton Chigurh, are almost literally the embodiment of fate and judgment, terrifying movie-goers long after the picture has ended. And still others, like Rebecca's Mrs. Danvers, are just insane. But sometimes, despite being full of murderous wrath, greed, and a lustful desire for world domination, we find these bad guys to be endearing. Despite holding the world ransom with giant laser beams, you would be hard-pressed to say that Dr. Evil is not likable. Die Hard's Hans Gruber, despite being willing to murder in cold blood, is a character we actually enjoy seeing on screen if for no other reason than the glee he displays at being so evil. So joint us as we take a look at some of the most lovable villains in movie history.