20 Most Original Movies Since 2000

3. Syndromes And A Century (2006)

The Movie: The basic premise sees Syndromes and a Century split into two parts - the first, set in a rural hospital 40 years in the past, sees two lovers beginning their courtship, while the second sees similar events playing out in the present day. But this reading is a simplistic one - as with Apichatpong Weerasethakul's other films, character and narrative are secondary considerations... What Makes It Original: Where most movies can be said to take theatrical forms as their structural basis, Syndromes and a Century uses cinema in an entirely different manner, emphasising mood, atmosphere and the juxtaposition of imagery and themes to hint at both unity and transformation. Inspired by the story of his own parents, Weerasethakul's film is both enigmatic and idiosyncratic, and those with the patience for his meandering style are rewarded with moments of rare cinematic beauty.

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