20 Perfect Shots Taken From Classic Sci-Fi Movies

18. Alien


Forget, for just a moment, the presence of a soon-to-be-dead John Hurt on the dinner table, and just cast your eyes around the rest of the image.

Food trays containing half eaten pieces of food, cereal boxes littered everywhere and a giant - probably baking hot - light that's reminiscent of those ones the dentist shoves in your face.

Ridley Scott's Alien is a classic for many reasons. The level of detail afforded to a simple dinner table is one thing, but withholding crucial information about a scene from your actors for the sake of sincere looks of concern is on a whole other level of attempting to make your film look authentic.


Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.