20 Post-Apocalyptic Movies You Must See Before You Die

14. Logan's Run (1976)

Everybody has heard of Logan's Run, a movie whose title conjures up images of cheesy '70s special effects and Michael York in a dated - but very groovy - outfit. And parts of Logan's Run are noticeably laughable, of course, but the film itself still remains an essential work of post-apocalyptic cinema. Based on the novel of the same name, the plot has the last remnants of humanity holed up in a "utopian" city where nobody is permitted to live past age 30 and are subsequently forced to commit ritual vaporisation. Such oppressive rules inspire the Logan of the film's title to do a runner, of course, and he's pursued by the sinister "Sandmen" as he flees utopia and attempts to learn the truth about the state of the world (which has since succumbed to nature). Logan's Run deals with a lot of interesting subjects, many of which are transposed directly from the novel by William F. Nolan and George Clayton Johnson, but for the most part this is simple, iconic escapism.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.