20 Reasons Why Everybody Loves The Lion King

8. The Humor

While most Disney movies have an element of humor to them, The Lion King allows the good guys to be funny without making fun of them. Poor flatulent Pumbaa is never the butt of his friends€™ jokes. His relationship with Timon €” an anthropomorphic cross-species bromance for the ages €” is one of the most amusing, and their goofy antics help to distract from the darker elements. If the borderline slapstick of Timon and Pumbaa€™s shenanigans is not your cup of tea, there€™s always Scar. Arguably the funniest character, he spends a hefty percentage of his time in the first half making thinly veiled remarks about everybody else€™s intelligence and lamenting the injustice of foolhardy young Simba stealing his place in the line of succession. Snarking and scheming: all in a day€™s work for Scar. Besides, Scar€™s immediate revulsion to Zazu€™s rendition of €œIt€™s A Small World€ is always funny. Who would have guessed that an evil fratricidal usurper could find a way to be so relatable?

Fiction buff and writer. If it's on Netflix, it's probably in my queue. I've bought DVDs for the special features and usually claim that the book is better than the movie or show (and can provide examples). I've never met a TV show that I won't marathon. Follow on Twitter @lah9891 .