20 Reasons Why Growing Up in the 80s and Early 90s Was Best Time For Cinema

3. Back to the Future

Talking of films with personality€ Believe me this is not the nostalgia talking, but Back to the Future may just be a perfect film€and the sequels aren€™t bad either. There€™s a reason why people love Marty McFly and Doc Brown, even Biff. The film is at once timeless yet still manages to be a quintessentially €˜80s movie (maybe it€™s the use of Huey Lewis and The News?). Co written by Robert Zemeckis (before he became obsessed with mo cap) and Bob Gale, directed by Zemeckis and produced by Steven Spielberg, the film stars Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd as the aforementioned Marty and Doc and I€™ve never met a single kid of the €˜80s who doesn€™t love it. The film is intricately constructed, funny, inventive, it has action, romance, elements of sci-fi, a huge heart, (just like Pixar) is concerned with larger themes and perhaps most importantly, is so much fun, even the critics loved it. Roger Ebert compared it to the films of Frank Capra, the New York Times called it €œa cinematic inventing of humour and tall tales for a long time to come€. Variety compared McFly and Doc Brown to King Arthur and Merlin and Ronald Reagan even cited it in a speech. I€™d be interested to know how a younger generation views it, but there€™s a generation of €˜80s kids that would sooner a hover board than a quidditch stick any day of the week.
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David is a film critic, writer and blogger for WhatCulture and a few other sites including his own, www.yakfilm.com Follow him on twitter @yakfilm