20 Scariest Horror Movie Moments Of The 21st Century

13. Baby Mash - The Witch (2015)

It Follows

Horror fans are well used to the bloody murder of babes, but this isn't quitewhat we had in mind. Indeed, baby killings in cinema would seem to be so inhumanly sinister as to be almost taboo, but nothing’s too dark for this blacker-than-night tale of Puritanical possession and witchcraft.

Nearly every frame of The Witch seems to carry the weight of evil, with not a moment of respite. With scenes like this setting the tone early on, the viewer is left in a permanent state of fear and unease throughout.

Viewers who’d dared to hope that kidnapped Baby Sam would soon find his way back to his family were singularly unprepared for he excruciatingly sight of a heinous hag crushing his innocent body into a paste for some unholy concoction.

The atrocity before us is so plain wrong as to be stomach-churning. It answers the film’s opening mystery of Sam’s disappearance with alarming brutality right off the bat, immediately dispelling any notion that we’re in for a less than horrifying watch.

The Witch is rife with atmosphere thick enough to choke on, and thanks to these kinds of moments, is perhaps the most purely uncomfortable horror in recent memory. The Wicked Witch of the West ain’t got nothing on this one.


Chest thumping James Bond and Haruki Murakami fanatic living in China. Once had a fever dream about riding a rowboat with Davos Seaworth. He hasn't updated this section since Game of Thrones was cool, and boy does it show.