20 Star Wars Easter Eggs You Never Noticed

10. New York Skyline - Revenge Of The Sith

New York City isn't a place in the Star Wars universe. Everybody on Earth knows that, and if don't know that then you're either oblivious as to what Star Wars actually is, or you've gone totally and utterly nuts. Or maybe the only Star Wars scene you ever saw was the one in which New York - for some unknown reason - is viewable outside of a window. Seriously: during the scene where Mace Windu goes to arrest Emperor Palpatine with a bunch of other Jedi, there's a shot of Anakin standing in front of a window, and outside of that window you can - quite clearly - glimpse the famous New York skyline. "Wouldn't it be funny if, at this point, we used the New York skyline instead of the Coruscant one?" "Uh... okay, George." George Lucas. What a character.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.