20 Star Wars Easter Eggs You Never Noticed

7. Cell Block 2187 - A New Hope

Star Wars fans are no doubt familiar with the number "1138," given that George Lucas seems to write his movies based around how many times he can make references to it (his debut feature was titled THX-1138 in case you've just been unthawed from a glacier and have no idea what's happening). But what about the number 2187, which is used to denote the Death Star cell block number in which Princess Leia is being held? It's a reference to a short film called "21-87" by Arthur Lipsett, which served as one of the key inspirations for Lucas' debut picture. Lucas also based much of the aesthetic style seen in Star Wars on those glimpsed in 21-87. Quite insanely, the term "The Force" is also rumoured to have been based on its usage in Lipsett's short. So, basically, Star Wars really fans owe a lot to this neat 10 minute short and should attempt to seek it out.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.