20 Superhero Movie Moments That Were Impossible To Forget

13. When Spider-Man & Mary-Jane Kissed Upside-Down

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Or as it's better known: the bit with Kirsten Dunst's nipples Fanboy Soundbite: "Sure it looks sexy, but isn't Mary Jane dating Harry at this point? Are we supposed to just accept that this redhead is cheating on him so easily? It's bloody mental."

12. When Nick Fury Announced The Avengers Initiative

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Or as it's better known: Marvel's initiative to take all our money Fanboy Soundbite: "Nick Fury's look in the Marvel Cinema Universe was based on the character's look in the Ultimate comic series, who was in turn based Samuel L. Jackson. What do you mean you knew that already?"

11. When Ben Kingsley Turned Out To Be Trevor Slattery

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Or as it's better known: are you kidding me? You're kidding me, right? Fanboy Soundbite: "What? This is a joke, isn't it? This is going to turn out to be some part of the Mandarin's big plan to trick us into thinking that he's Guy Pearce. ... Oh, he's actually Guy Pearce? Lame."

10. When Everyone Realised They Were Totally Wrong About Heath Ledger

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Or as it's better known: when the world was forced to eat all their words at once Fanboy Soundbite: "I was actually on board with the casting decision from the beginning. I was one of very few who said that Heath would be able to pull it off... WHAT DO YOU MEAN BEN AFFLECK IS BATMAN?"

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