20 Supremely Gory Movie Deaths You Won't Believe Weren't Censored

17. The Godfather €“ James Caan

A slightly different kind of death is that of Sonny Corleone (James Caan) in The Godfather. It might not have the €˜squeam factor€™ of some but is equally gory. Sonny waits at a toll booth en route to his sister€™s apartment to kick ten bells from her husband Carlo, when gunmen appear at all angles and unload their tommy guns on him. Sonny stumbles out of the car and is hit by a barrage of bullets that leave his finely upholstered Italian suit in tatters with blood flowing from all bullet holes. Then to add insult to injury, he receives a boot in the face by one of the gunmen. I don€™t think a death in a movie has ever shocked me more. Firstly because I never saw it coming. Secondly, I didn€™t realise how much I cared about Sonny. He cheats on his wife, is short tempered, violent and yet, when he died I felt the same rush of emotion that his father (Brando) and brother Tom (Duvall) would show in the following scenes.

16. The Hitcher €“ Zachary Knighton

Hitcher Drawn and halved would be the best way of describing this death scene in the short but quite sweet remake of The Hitcher. While Sean Bean€™s Hitcher might not be quite as atmospheric as the original, but it makes up for it by being extra brutal and brief. Sophia Bush wakes at her motel to find lover Zachary Knighton gone. She exits to find him chained by his hands to a truck and his feet chained to a car with Sean Bean at the wheel. As she tries desperately to untie his hands Bean revs on the engine. Finally, having goaded him enough Bean raises the hand break and speeds off tearing Knighton in two. In an instant you see blood and gore and intestines and organs fly.
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Frustratingly argumentative writer, eater, reader and fanatical about film ‘n’ food and all things fundamentally flawed. I have been a member of the WhatCulture family since it was known as Obsessed with Film way back in the bygone year of 2010. I review films, festivals, launch events, award ceremonies and conduct interviews with members of the ‘biz’. Follow me @FilmnFoodFan In 2011 I launched the restaurant and food criticism section. I now review restaurants alongside film and the greatest rarity – the food ‘n’ film crossover. Let your imaginations run wild as you mull on what that might look like!